
If you want to share any general comments that don't relate to a specific picture, visit our Feedback Corner. We would love to hear your thoughts!

🖼️ Fold Me Two Times, Baby!

never mind that, just discovered the settings, time to spend two hours mesmerized in your art again! 😊
Amazing as always!😍 i randomly remembered you a while ago and thought I'd scroll through your website again😁 i hope this is okay to ask but did you take down your other arts from here? just curious since i loved looking at them so much back then! safe to say i kind of miss them haha

all the best. ❤️

💪 Queen of the Mountains

That's fantastic!
Nadie mejor que tu para este homenaje al gran Fis fis
Nobody better than you for this tribute to the great Fis fis
Exceptionally well done !
I don't know why but finding a bending girl with her bubble booty hanging out like that as she's stretching and meditating like that would be the hottest thing I would ever see.

💃 A Hipster from Elbend Animated

To finally see my adorable favourite elf Falaerin move and entice patrons into his little bathouse is candy for the eyes. Just lovely. Thank you!

Well it has still certain quirks but overall it is pleasant to watch. You captured overal motion of belly area as probably never before seen and surely you are first in the world to create such video without living actor :) give it year or two and this might become something you can't take your eyes from :D

💃 A Hipster from Elbend [PP]

Oh god! 🤤🤤 A multi treat; animation, songs, images, and a nice little story...all Falaerin. Thank you!
Not the traditional elven garb but damn he looks good in this outfit. 🥰🥰 A bit Indian inspired or?
Ok, don't have time to write...must appreciate what you have delivered. 💖💖💖💋

Again: Thank Youuuuu!

It is the version starting at (04:33)
I do like most A Hipster from Elbend it seems most happy and carefree.

💪 Queen of the Mountains

Nice recreation! I wish we could see more of Fisfis´s art since he inspired me a lot when it came to make contortion art myself. And you´ve made a great homage here, really lovely!
The first thing I thought when I saw this was: that looks like a character Fisfis could have made.
So, definitely a good homage!
Супер побольше бы таких работ и хотелось бы видео
Super, I wish there were more works like this and I would like a video
This pose looks incredibly elegant. I can totally imagine supermodels standing like this during fashion shows. But they would break all their bones if they actually tried.

Sasha M

😪 Sleep Tight

I wanna see more of anime contortion! ;D

💪 Queen of the Mountains

I remember old "frazetta-like" arts, showing semi-clothed athletic men and women, but didn't see any contortion poses, maybe because they are not so mainstream, and I never dive deep enough to find them.
Очень красивая работа завораживает!!!
Very beautiful work, mesmerizing!!!
i also admire him so much
she is exotic, elegant, enchanting and gorgeous