
If you want to share any general comments that don't relate to a specific picture, visit our Feedback Corner. We would love to hear your thoughts!

πŸ˜ͺ Sleep Tight

Effortless contortion of poses almost impossible to perform by people is the best, thank you Yuni!
Sweet Dreams dear πŸ’•
she is soo cute
I failed in love with her
looks great!

πŸ’ƒ A Hipster from Elbend [PP]

That's AI?

πŸ’ƒ A Hipster from Elbend Animated

Looks like hands are still a mystery for AI. Other then that it looks amazing.

πŸ’Œ Feedback Corner

Hello Yuni, this is Alldenspa. Over the past weeks I've been working on a piece of fanart for Kagemaru, which will be finished very soon. If you're interested in seeing it, please make contact with me via discord or maybe Deviantart messaging, I think those are the only ways I can send it to you as I don't have your email address or anything like that. Have a nice day!
Hi Yuni, I'm an amateur artist, and would like to have your permission to make a drawing inspired by your contortion work, giving you credit of course, may I?
Hey, yuni! I've been a quiet viewe since the pandemic when i first saw "Subs on a Subway" on a subreddit xD since that day i check on your website occasionally! i think at some point i forgot your name and spent so much time on google trying to look for you again LOL

anyways, i just want to say how addicting your art is :) i know there's an audience for contortionist stuff (im not sure if fetish would be the right word) and im not a part of that audience personally, but I just find your art to be absolutely hauntingly beautiful. I've never seen someone execute their passions and interest with so much dedication and improvement before! as soon as I lay my eyes on one of your pieces i can't seem to take my eyes off of it 😊 the rendering, the composition, EVERYTHING it's like a drug and before I know it, I've spent multiple hours just in awe of how your mond and hands work xD

keep going yuni! im not a huge fan of a lot of AI work nowadays, but you seem to have all the AI stuff under control! Unlike many soulless AI "art" that i see around, yours still feel like "you", full of life and careful craftsmanship😊 you're truly such a spectatcle to me yuni. thank you for your masterpieces :)

- /Tox

πŸ–ΌοΈ Fold Me Two Times, Baby!

Beautiful new version of that older artwork! I'd love to see more "anime style" contortion!
Thank you! πŸ₯° Personally I also really enjoy seeing contortion in this style, it's quite adorable and there isn't a lot of anime art about boys who are contortionists - in 99% cases people only draw girls and nothing else.
never mind that, just discovered the settings, time to spend two hours mesmerized in your art again! 😊
Amazing as always!😍 i randomly remembered you a while ago and thought I'd scroll through your website again😁 i hope this is okay to ask but did you take down your other arts from here? just curious since i loved looking at them so much back then! safe to say i kind of miss them haha

all the best. ❀️

🐍 Sonic Snake

just absolute gorgeous rubber
Beautiful!! I love the simple outfit, it highlights his character very well by pointing towards the face instead of taking the attention away. Very nice!
That posing really goes with the name! Awesome! Also, those wrinkles in the cloth sell smooth appeal.

πŸ’ͺ Queen of the Mountains

you both have amazing art!
Amazing! <3
Dear gods! Perfection in one breathtaking pho... picture! WOW!!!
That's fantastic!