⌚ WC-8000
A fitness waistlet specifically designed to be the ultimate waist cincher, monitors digestion and blood circulation, also measuring the cinching progress with high precision. Vibration patterns to speed up the progress and improve sensations, among many other features :P
Let's see what the clients have to say 😏
"The pressure is a bit extreme at times, but it does its job well. No pain no gain, I guess!" (Sergio, 18)
"New? More like ew! My tummy turned all purple after an hour!! Didn't matter, just took some Painproofen, still wearing it!" (Helen, 18)
"Really fantastic tightness but way too expensive! Had to do a whole week of street performances and the savings got my waist a whole inch smaller before even buying the thing... Glad it was worth it in the end!" (Jim, 18)
"Got two of them for more compression. Guess what? It worked! Ain't I a genius or what!" (Archie, 18)
"Too weak for the wicked." (Stefano, ????)
"What can I say? Perfect for bellydancing..." (Mitra, 18)
"Very squishy! Only problem, make it cum-proof please! It cinched so hard I accidentally came on it and it broke... But I'm broke too, I went to the service center and they don't accept blowjobs!! Sheesh!" (Albendo, 18)
"Works on boobs too, check out my latest stream!" (Kristina, 18)
"A nice shiny decoration, nothing more..." (Sir Lichard Tombson, ???)
"My grandson Yasha, whom you can see on all the ads of this WC-8000 thing, just got a free one for me, what a pity he forgot that I don't even have a waist ツ" (Yan Feng Gu, 800)
"Haha, humans are so funny..." (Arcus, ????)
And oh yeah shape of his belly is very good I would say better than most others even yours!!
By the way I made an archive of my installation of InvokeAI, all you need is create C:\InvokeAI (will NOT work from other directories), unzip, run download_models.bat and make sure it downloads everything successfully and re-run if it gets stuck at 0% or fails. Once all checksums match, try run.bat right away, ideally should just work... Can try update.bat later to get new github updates if needed, it should also work but who knows... mega.nz/file/aJRznD5B#ctzPBHn1TP9TL78vJqaaPrI7eJDSTmsETKQfXZFcEHs
Was so sad when page went down, happy its back. Was thinking lot about this image in meantime and realized didn't told enough about it praise. Because it is not just interesting shape of waist but also whole clothing which is like all new fashion trend in your world!!! And which must have been very hard to invent properly. Then there is that funny story about what other chracters think and so on!
Other characters must be so mad at Yasha, not only he has every single bone and joint in his body at 400-500% hypermobility, but now can wear a wrist watch on his waist! Something about Yasha is so suspicious, maybe he is indeed a guest from the future like his newest picture suggests :D
Some days back I did played lot and created lot images to work more in future, but it is so time consuming even if it does most work for you so instead like 9 which I wanted here are at least 2 somewhat nice I hope. Also have some landscapes but its like on whole days to make it interesting somehow.
sitting tiger
swamp spirit
The tiger looks really good, the muscles, the legs and the patterns, as well as the hair, all makes an amazing character that you instantly want to see more of! He made me think of one of the hookers from Daniel Parker's underworld, a sexy and popular one who likes to do yoga and stretching on webcam to find clients. His room looks just like that, of course it's only a wallpaper plus some purple lights but at least the sexy boy is more than real! You should really give him a name and maybe mention him in one of Daniel's future stories :d
The swamp spirit... would have a lot to discuss with my lake boy. Reminded me of those athletic boys who have really slim waists, looking really thin from the side view but more broad and muscled from the front view. Swimmer boys often have bodies like that I think... Also not sure why he's a swamp spirit, looks more like a tropical fish spirit to me, standing in the lake near a dark forest. The pattern is interesting, was unable to google a real fish with a similar pattern but pretty sure it must exist somewhere.
Won't forget him in story hehe :p and maybe even manage some pictures I hope! that be real challenge!
Yeah Iam into broad muscular shoulders and slim wasp waist for some reason that shape seems just right will work on that more!
Well at first I was like hmm this is different world maybe even planet. But then started to think he looks more like some fantasy being. Who knows?! Maybe in fact his people live in sea and looks more like mermaids but some storm took this guy far away on some remote tropical island. And with his magical skills (nothing like skilled wizzard but still have some) he managed to transform into human like form to survive in those salty swamps. As open sea is too dangerous full of some darker tentacled beings here... . Now maybe he just saw for a first time there other sentient creature (shipwrecked soul) a human boy and eh they will get to know each another soon.... :D
Human boy have sharp spear threatening strange creature, but soon he willl be one speared and willingly hehe X-)
So beautiful