A fullscreen version of the artwork.
What do you think? 😄
If robots take over the world, then let them be like 107, then I am not against such a conquest!
Yeah, if the future is full of robots but they actually look like cute boys instead of all those stereotypical sexist female bots, that future seems much less like a dystopia to me! 😁
Its... it's everything that was amazing about Tron: Legacy combined with everything that's awesome about a Yuni bishie!

He'd win every cos-play competition on the planet, just on the strength of his tight, slender body and his incredible face!

Something about your characters, Yuni. They really are "heartbreakingly beautiful".
Thank you! 😁
Oh, wow! This looks like a promising evening!
You captured once again the face's emotion so wonderful it makes my heart melt!
Glad you liked 😊
Is that an on button or a charging port?

I'd definitely 'plug n play'
He's drop dead Gorgeous 💕
Thanks! 😊
A very sexy blast from the past. Don't tell me you took his toy away??
Thank you so much! If you mean his whanger, I think it's still on him :D