🚀 Sky is Not the Limit

For Yasha it's deep space! XD

You asked me what is Yasha's limit and if he can bend beyond the Octafold, so I tried my best to find his hard limit, so to speak, and here are some results, I hope you enjoy them! ^^

Did you know there's an actual genuine contortionist scene in the movie Prometheus? If you want to check it out and not afraid of scary rubber masks, search "sean fifield mutation" on Youtube. What I didn't know is they also had an alternative version of that scene with a different mutant design, in fact a lot prettier and the contortion pose looks a whole lot more...sleek? It's either "Prometheus – Mutant Revenant (Alternate Version)" or "Fifield Xenomorph Mutation (Deleted Scene)". I'm not putting direct links here because I know some people will click them without reading and then get scarred for life by the mutant bendies ^^;

What do you think? 😄
Can he not wear a space suit? It would be better if he didn't wear it
Maybe I should make a version without a suit
Me encanta como quedan las lineas del cuerpo y esta multiple contorsion.... es maravilloso ... como imaginas y resalta la flexibilidad
I love how the lines of the body are and this multiple contortion.... it is wonderful ... as you imagine and highlights the flexibility
Muchas gracias! Si tan solo los cuerpos reales pudieran ser tan delgados y elásticos como un chicle!
Thank you! If only real bodies could be as thin and stretchy as bubblegum!
Wow, it looks contagious, must be a virus 😂
What strikes me most with this piece is the detail on the suit! That's a fantastic texture, the different heights are so good and delicate, it looks marvellous! Your 3D is so good!
I got that texture from textures.com, it's called "Scifi panel" or something like that, it's beyond me how a texture made for sci-fi panels could so easily fit on a bodysuit but it did!! Ok, I'll confess I actually tried like 10 different textures and adjusted it a lot to fit and it took I think 3 hours or something from untextured to this result...but don't tell anyone, people think 3D is the easiest thing and we don't wanna break their hearts XP
Lovely scenery and pose. Y'know, I'm in <3 with Yasha. I'm still waiting for the promised phone number... ;)
Having said this, the suit unfortunately takes a lot of attention from the actual pose. And I doubt that there is a mechanical suit which would endure such a pose... ;D
I don't even know why I made this picture, there's obviously a lot of weird things going on here that shouldn't be done this way :D Aside from the suit being too clunky for the octafold, I doubt it was smart to use a sci-fi panel texture on a bodysuit, but hey it almost looks like something XD But yeah it was a filler pic that I didn't dare to trash...maybe in the future I'll revisit this idea with better techiques :P
God, I wish this was the norm.