🎭 Homage to Alexey
Alexey Goloborodko is an amazing contortionist, whose pictures always reminded me of classical paintings done in real life.
His style as a contortionist is not only based on incredible contortion skills but also some ballet-like elegance that reminds of classical paintings and sculptures.
What do you think? 😄
If I had no idea any img ai exist I would be like baffled how you can change and improve your style so fast. Because some details are bit off but otherwise its just like blend of your, classical and protography art! Like those legs omg! unreal.
Well I shared it just because I liked the result... This photograph of Alexey always reminded me of an oil painting, so was very happy that it was possible to make this version of it...
Alexey in contortion is like Mozart in music, much like Mozart he was already making world-famous masterpieces at a very young age, so if I only could, I would of course make a real oil painting but unfortunately I'm not a 19th century painter and didn't graduate an art academy...
Alexey in contortion is like Mozart in music, much like Mozart he was already making world-famous masterpieces at a very young age, so if I only could, I would of course make a real oil painting but unfortunately I'm not a 19th century painter and didn't graduate an art academy...