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🏹 Back Archer

The character reminds a bit of this sprite I think? 😘👉

Archers aren't called archers for nothing...

Folding one's back completely in half backward without any assistance isn't a joke. Normally, this takes several years of daily stretching and pushing, along with a very supple body as the starting point.

Most archers and rangers started practicing this skill when they were children, inspired by tales of fearless back-folding heroes. Their families and friends often joined in, making it a fun bonding experience.

As teenagers, they begin to focus more specifically on becoming skilled archers and rangers, learning to hunt down minor evil spirits lurking withint the surrounding woods.

Once they reach adulthood, they move on from training exercises to real missions. At this stage in their lives, archers should be able to fold their backs so tight that they can touch their shoulders to their buttocks without any effort.

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The more an archer can arch, the more powerful magical charge their spectral arrows carry. Some even use special belts designed to compress their backfold even more during crucial missions.

These unique devices come with an adjustable strap attached at one end and a ring buckle on the other side. This set up enables them to get folded like a book and perform uninterrupted series of high power arrows without worrying about losing momentum midway through their attack sequence.

Archer's bows are not just weapons; they serve as symbols of flexibility, strength, and perseverance. To master archery, one must be patient, focused, and willing to invest countless hours into backbending.

When dealing with dark forces that feed on negative emotions, it's essential to remain calm, collected, and balanced. Keep your wits about you, stay true to yourself, and trust in the power of the fold.

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In their free time archers often participate in friendly contests where they compete against each other by seeing who can go deeper into a backfold while maintaining proper alignment.

A favorite pastime among these skilled marksmen involves testing how much pressure they can withstand on their chest while folded; some even go so far as to boast about being able to bear the full weight of an armored knight or a large wooden chest brimming with goods without breaking a sweat.

Many archers also moonlight as jesters, jugglers, and tightrope walkers, demonstrating their remarkable agility and flexibility for audiences that eagerly watch such astonishing displays of suppleness. These marvelously slim young men can be found entertaining crowds in both royal courts and bustling marketplaces.

Beggars and nobles alike marvel at the sight of these brave souls defying anatomy limits with ease, knowing full well that they are saving Yunia from the clutches of evil one arrow at a time.

What do you think? 😄
I've seen some photos and videos of archers shooting while doing gymnastic or acrobatic tricks, and both blends together nicely.
I'm loving the text going along with this one!!
"Yuni: The character reminds a bit of this sprite I think?"

Yes! But now he is not a pixel sprite, but a real sexy bendit in all his glory! <3

Yuni, I read with great interest about the back archers of Yunia, and then I searched for other images of archers on your site and found a page about the elves and their supreme god L'amouriel. L'amouriel is depicted as an archer. Naked and aroused, as the religious precepts of the elves demand, but still an archer. Does this mean that he is not only the god of love, but also the patron deity of the elven archers, or even all archers in Yunia? That would be an interesting combination of specializations for a god!
It's wonderful that you found this subject interesting! The concept of archery is indeed fascinating... Perhaps, long ago, in ancient times, it was the elves who first discovered and developed the bow. Back then, evil forces tended to invade the world by emerging from dark storm clouds overhead, and as the world was young, there was little protection against them...

Then the elves invented the bow and the art of archery - aiming high into the sky, they found that arching their back generated a mysterious charge within their arrows - one that could harm the dark clouds overhead... They quickly discovered that the greater they arched their back during shooting, the more powerful their attacks became. So they came to be known as "back archers", or simply archers, people who could defend against the malignant energies raining down upon the world....

So given his role as the god of love and protection, L'amouriel naturally transformed into a divine archer over time... Unfortunately, the wicked spirits also evolved over time and learned to possess things and create golems composed of stone and hardwood. And sadly, the spectral arrows fired by back archers proved ineffective against material objects. So over time, knights and barbarians took the role of those who can strike down these golem constructs, charging their bodies/weapons with contortion magic capable of driving the dark spirit out of its host - returning it to its cloud form, so the archers can once more target and damage this more vulnerable form...

And possessed humans are a whole different topic that requires even more complicated measures - mages, flexorcists, waist-cinching etc... ;D