🎁 The Gift of Contortion
Mr. Smith had been a fan of contortionists all his life, ever since he saw one at a circus as a young boy. After having grown up and marrying his high school sweetheart, Susan, he had a son named Johnny who was turning 7 tomorrow.
Johnny was an adventurous and curious child, with a supple body that seemed to be made for contortion. However, the boy had a fear of clowns and Mr. Smith never had the heart to take him to a circus.
The man was walking down the street, lost in his thought about how to make Johnny's birthday special. Suddenly, he saw two boys on his way, and he couldn't believe his eyes. They moved like they could fold themselves into a paper airplane if they wanted to. Mr. Smith's heart skipped a beat as he approached to look at them more closely.
They looked rough, their clothes clean but worn to the core. But their bodies were like gems in the rough. They performed shirtless, their toned and youthful male chests glistening with sweat, looking breathtakingly beautiful as they contorted themselves into shapes that Mr. Smith had not even seen in the local circus. As a huge fan of contortion, he was utterly mesmerized by their performance, and he couldn't help but think that this was an opportunity too good to pass up.
The boys seemed to be in need, and Mr. Smith was sure they'd find his proposal appealing. He approached them, trying to appear as casual as possible. "Hey there, boys," he said. "I was thinking it'd be awesome if you guys would do a special show at my son's birthday. How about fifty bucks apiece?"
The boys blinked in surprise, their faces lighting up with excitement. "Oh wow!" the boy with the blond hair exclaimed. "We'd love to do that!"
Mr. Smith was overjoyed, barely able to contain his excitement. "That's fantastic," he exclaimed, shaking hands with them. "My son is turning seven tomorrow and I've always thought he might show an interest in contortion but he's always been afraid of clowns, so I've never had the chance to take him to a circus..."
The boys looked understandingly at each other. "Then the circus will come to you!" the boy with the striking white hair grinned. "I'm Kazoku, and this is my friend Mickey. We'll do our best to make your son fall in love with contortion at first sight."
Mr. Smith didn't even know how to express his gratitude. "If only I could find a way to show you how much I appreciate it," he sighed, rummaging through the contents of his pocket. "But a hundred bucks is all I can scrape together."
"That's like getting a jackpot!" Kazoku exclaimed happily, taking the money from Mr. Smith with a radiant smile.
"Just give us your address," Mickey chimed in, nodding enthusiastically. "We'll be there tomorrow morning!"
"You can invite us inside whenever you're ready," Kazoku added. "For this kind of money, we'd work all day!"
Mr. Smith was beyond thrilled as he counted his blessings once more. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the boys and asked them to return at 10 am tomorrow morning.
The next day, Mr. Smith woke up early and prepared for the big event. Susan was still asleep in their bed, so he tiptoed out of the room and went downstairs to wait for the arrival of his young friends. They arrived right on time, and he welcomed them into his home.
The boys took a look around, and their eyes widened as they saw Johnny playing with his toys in the living room. "Wow!" Kazoku said. "Look at that little guy!"
Mickey winked. "He's the perfect age for us to show him everything we know."
Meanwhile, Susan yawned and stumbled into the room, still half asleep. As she opened the door, she found herself face-to-face with her husband and two new friends.
"Oh, hello there," she said when she saw Kazoku and Mickey.
"This is Kazoku and Mickey," Mr. Smith introduced them. "I thought since Johnny has never been to a circus, we could give him an unforgettable show right here at home."
Susan's eyes widened with delight. "Really? Oh my gosh! That sounds so cool! Are you guys going to be jugglers or magicians or something?"
Kazoku and Mickey shared a chuckle. "No, ma'am. We're contortionists."
Susan's eyes widened in surprise and delight, but then she frowned. "I don't know if this is a good idea," she said.
"Why not?" Mr. Smith asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible. "They're just going to show Johnny some cool tricks."
"Well," Susan replied, "I just worry Johnny might get scared if they do anything too... strange."
"I promise," Kazoku reassured her, "We'll keep it safe and simple."
"And we promise no scary stunts," Mickey agreed.
Susan pondered their assurances before finally nodding. "Alrighty, but I'd appreciate it if you kept things lighthearted and fun."
"Don't worry about that, Susan," Mr. Smith said with a smile. "These folks are pros!"
After the performance started, Mr. Smith was amazed by how much fun Johnny was having. He watched in awe as Kazoku and Mickey showed his son various contortion tricks, like doing splits, handstands and putting their feet their heads.
Johnny couldn't get enough of what he was seeing. He pulled at his father's sleeve, asking him if there were more funny tricks they could do and if they could bend even further than they already had.
Susan, who had initially been hesitant, couldn't help but smile as she watched her son laugh with joy. She even began to find the spectacle amusing herself, cheering for the boys and clapping along with Johnny, playfully urging them to contort into even more extraordinary poses.
The show went on until Kazoku was doing an impressive handstand while sitting on his own upper back, so tightly that his body seemed to be folded in half like a human cushion.
Susan turned to her husband with sparkling eyes. "Whoa, did you see that?"
Mr. Smith grinned, thrilled at the success of bringing his beloved hobby to his family. "I know, right?" he replied. "This is truly amazing."
Johnny's eyes were wide with wonder, and Mr. Smith couldn't believe how much his son was enjoying himself. He had never seen Johnny so fascinated by anything before in his life.
The boy cheered and clapped his hands together. "Yaaay!" he exclaimed.
Kazoku and Mickey smiled at him with pride as they both rose from their folded positions, stretching out their bodies and letting out a satisfied sight.
"We're glad you liked it," Kazoku said. "Would you like to learn some of these tricks yourself?"
Johnny's eyes lit up. "Ooh, oooh! Can I really do that?!"
Mr. Smith nodded enthusiastically. "I think that's a great idea!" he said casually.
Susan smiled. "Alright, sweetie, just remember to be very careful."
Johnny nodded eagerly. "I promise I will!"
Kazoku and Mickey grinned at each other, knowing that Johnny had the perfect body for it. "Alright, then," Kazoku said. "We'll teach you one of our favorite tricks. It's called a 'backbend.'"
With Mickey's support, Johnny slowly lowered himself onto the floor. Mickey held his shoulders upward, while Kazoku lifted up the boy's feet and guided them toward his own head. Johnny tilted his head backward, slowly bending his back until his toes touched his own head with surprising ease.
The kid's eyes widened with excitement. "Hey Mom, look! I did it!" he exhaled proudly.
Mr. Smith and Susan clapped for their son's achievement, beaming with pride at how much fun Johnny was having.
After having fun for what seemed like hours, they all sat down to have a meal together, and Mr. Smith couldn't help but feel grateful that he had met Kazoku and Mickey.
The boys had not only given his son an unforgettable birthday, but they had also performed some of the most amazing and extreme contortion poses right in front of his very eyes, and made his whole family fall in love with it!
He knew it couldn't even compare in value to the mere hundred bucks he had paid them, specially when they left with promises to return the following day to give Johnny some more lessons.
Mr. Smith couldn't help but smile at the thought of how much Johnny had learned in just one day. At some point, his head was barely an inch away from his own butt in a backbend, and he almost managed to do a side split too. And he could instantly put his foot behind his head without any difficulty.
He couldn't wait to see what they would teach his son next and how quickly he would learn some truly amazing poses like the triplefold or the oversplit. He knew that Johnny was going to be an amazing contortionist, one day.
But above all, he couldn't help feeling grateful for having discovered these two amazing boys. On his birthday, they had given Johnny something that would last a lifetime, and something that the whole family could enjoy together.
Mr. Smith vowed to himself to find a well-paying job. From now on, he had not one but three boys to take care of, as he invited Kazoku and Mickey to feel at home in his house whenever they needed a place to stay. They had become like his own family, and he knew that Johnny would grow up to be an incredible contortionist under their guidance.
As picture goes aside from main star I like roses and small plant along with really nice hair and eyes!
And funny that Kaz is wearing socks here, since, at least in my story, he's so used to training and performing barefoot from his life at the circus.😉 At least you nailed his shirtlessness.😁
-Agu Fungus