🏮 The Flexorcist Monastery

Yanfeng Gu trudged through the dense forest, his eyes fixed on the gnarled branches that seemed to reach out and grab at him. He had heard stories of a hidden monastery deep within these mountains, where monks possessed otherworldly powers...

Gu's family was no stranger to misfortune. For generations, they had been plagued by an evil spirit named Kui. His village had become a shadow of its former self, people living in fear and despair as demons haunted their dreams and tormented their waking hours.

As the last of his bloodline, Gu knew it was up to him to break the curse and bring peace back to his village. He had heard whispers about the monastery's monks having the power to vanquish Kui once and for all.

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The air grew colder as he climbed higher into the mountains. The trees grew taller, their branches twisted with age. Gu could feel an otherworldly energy emanating from them. Suddenly, a path appeared before him, worn smooth by countless footsteps over time. He followed it until he reached a massive wooden door carved with intricate symbols.

Gu pushed the door open and stepped inside. A warm glow filled his vision as he entered the monastery's grand hall. Monks in simple brown robes hurried about, their eyes fixed on some unseen task. One of them noticed Gu and approached him.

"Welcome, young one," the monk said, bowing slightly. "We have been expecting you."

Gu was taken aback by the monk's words. How did they know he was coming? The monk led him to a small room deep within the monastery, where a wise old man sat cross-legged on a cushion.

"Ah, son of the cursed village," the old man said, his eyes twinkling with an ancient wisdom. "I am Master Zhen. We have been waiting for you."

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Master Zhen leaped to his feet in one smooth motion, his agility surprising for a man of his age. He moved with the grace of a feline, his body lithe and strong. Gu couldn't help but be awed by the monk's silk-like movements.

A soft and delicate boy, Gu couldn't imagine how he would be able to protect his village and stand against the power of the curse. Yet his elder's last words echoed in his mind: perhaps his softness would be his greatest strength one day. And now, witnessing the soft nature of Master Zhen's movements, Gu couldn't help but believe it.

Master Zhen welcomed him warmly. "What is your name, boy?"

"Yanfeng Gu, Master," Gu replied, trying to bow as low as he could.

"You have a good back, Gu," Master Shi observed. "Perfect for our training." He looked Gu up and down, his eyes lingering on the boy's slender frame.

"My back?" Gu asked, trying to look over his shoulder in confusion.

"Yes," Master Shi replied. "Your back is very supple, which I can see from your posture. This is good, as our training involves great flexibility and control of the body."

Gu had no idea what the monk was talking about but he was even more intrigued now. "Flexibility? What kind of flexibility?" He asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"Flexibility like you've never seen before," Master Shi promised with a cryptic smile. "We have a unique method for dealing with those troublesome specters. Our ancestors named it 'Bending the spirit', a powerful technique passed down through countless ages."

Gu's eyes widened as he listened to the monk's words. "Bending the spirit? What does that mean?"

"Yes," Master Shi explained, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "It's a method of harnessing the power of the mind and body to manipulate reality itself. Firstly, the monk must bait and lure the evil spirit away from its current host. It takes a form of hypnotic movements that make one's body irresistible, a kind of alluring, fluid dance that draws the spirit in."

Gu's mind reeled at the thought of such a power. "Do you think a dance will work on Kui? We've tried prayers, offerings, nothing seems to work."

Master Shi chuckled. "Not just any dance, boy. It's an art form that combines spiritual energy with physical movement. A dance that turns the body into a mesmerizing charm with enough allure to tempt even the most wicked of spirits."

Master Shi paused, his eyes narrowing as he evaluated Gu's reaction.

"It's not just some hot dance to bewitch your friends. It's a trap. Once the spirit takes over the monk's body, the monk must use every bit of willpower and contort into extreme positions to crush the spirit and banish it to the underworld..."

Gu gulped. "What kind of extreme positions, Master Shi?"

Master Shi didn't answer, instead he beckoned Gu to come closer. He gently placed his hands on Gu's shoulders and guided them back, causing a sharp gasp as Gu's spine arched.

"The spinal column," Master Shi explained, "is the primary harbor of Kui. We must learn to control our backbone and bend it ways that can suppress the evil spirit without harming our own body."

Gu went out of breath from having his body bent in ways he never thought possible. He could hardly believe the posture he was holding.

"This is... this is incredible," he gasped. "I've never bent my back like that."

"It's nothing compared to what you'll be able to do soon," Master Shi smiled warmly. "You have the potential to become one of our greatest exorcists, but you must be prepared for intense training."

Gu nodded eagerly, his heart pounding with excitement in this newfound state of awe.

"Master, I'm ready," he promised. "I'll do anything to master this bending technique further!"

Master Shi smiled, pressing Gu's shoulders a little more. "This method is called passive stretching. A form of training that allows the body to relax and open up, while assisted by an external force. It's the most effective way to get very flexible."

Gu nodded, feeling his back muscles tense up at first, but slowly relaxing, able to take even more pressure.

"Most part of the day we will practice passive stretching, allowing your muscles to ease into new positions, while you meditate and focus on your breathing," Master Shi explained, pushing Gu's backbend a bit deeper. "It will make you flexible like no other."

Gu nodded eagerly, feeling his back strain and then stretch, stretching further after he thought more was impossible.

"Then we'll proceed to train with weights and ropes, to strengthen your muscles while increasing your range of motion even further. You won't believe how flexible you'll become, Gu. I'll take you around our monastery and have our boys show off their flexibility for you later to give you an idea of what you can expect to achieve."

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In the first room there was Liu. Gu was astonished as he observed the slender kid fold his body forward and backward simultaneously, compressing himself like a paper dragon. His long, flowing hair fell over his hips, concealing his butt behind his neck, making him look like a short hunchback. He gripped his thighs for support and moved around on his tiptoes, resembling a creature from some fairy tale.

"Liu is a tall boy," Master Shi commented, grinning. "But during most of the day you will find yourself looking down at him as he had learned the art of compressing his height. Usually he tightens a ribbon around his body to bind himself firmly in this position, but right now he's during his practice time, working on perfecting the art without any external aids. His goal is to be able to keep his folded body stable at all times using only his back muscles."

Next up was Han. His room was dimly lit and the first thing Gu noticed was a very beautiful young man with a ponytail and a soft, feminine face. The boy was dressed in nothing but a bright white loincloth and holding a cup of tea. His bare skin was slightly shiny from the sweat, and as he studied his body closely, Gu was a bit taken aback by what he saw. Han's muscled chest turned out to be actually his back, his waist twisted 180 degrees around. Yet, he was smiling at Gu and not at the ornate wall behind him, that's when Gu noticed that the boy's neck was twisted another 180 degrees, allowing him to look in front of him as if he was seated normally. Gu could not help but feel his jaw slowly drop, trying to make sense of the young man's pelvis, chest and head all facing a different direction.

"Han is one of our oldest trainees, who has been practicing for a long time," Master Shi explained. "Clothes can't withstand his intense twists and he's never really liked covering up. His body is a masterpiece of his own creation, and he is one of our rare trainees able to maintain any position using only his muscular strength."

Finally, we entered Shui's room. He wasn't doing anything extraordinary, but his long, slender legs were a sight to behold. His ornate outfit cut high on the sides, showcasing his legs from the waist down fully. Thanks to the outfit, his legs appeared even longer and leaner than they already were. Shui smiled at Gu and winked at him. Without wasting words, he held onto the bar above him and raised both of his beautiful legs in the opposite direction, lifting them all the way up until his feet were at the level of his face, his legs forming a perfect V-shape as they pointed upwards. Gu's heart raced when Shui let his legs down slightly before suddenly throwing them high in the air. In one swift, elastic motion, his legs wrapping around his body and his bare feet interlocked above his head!

"Shui's legs are a legend among the monks," Master Shi beamed with pride. "He had mastered the 360-degree oversplit years ago, and now he's working on doing it without any assistance. His latest two stunts are to bend his knees to a negative angle and to curl his toes to touch the soles of his feet, but both moves are still a work in progress..."

Gu's head was spinning with amazement, his eyes taking in the impossible feats with disbelief. It was incredible to see how effortlessly these boys could perform their maneuvers without any hint of discomfort or pain. It felt like he was walking through a dream, it was hard to accept that such flexibility could even be real.

Gu's own training began immediately after. He spent hours each day in passive stretching as the monks took turns assisting him into different positions, holding his limbs or tying them up with ropes while he focused on keeping his breathing steady and calm. He learned how to relax his muscles and maintain a state of deep, meditative concentration. It was the first time in his life he had ever felt so completely at peace, despite the discomfort of being stretched beyond what he believed were human limits.

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At first, his body struggled immensely, but with every day that passed, he found it easier to relax his muscles, bending his spine further than ever before. With every breath he took, his back folded more and more, until bending completely in half was a natural movement for his body.

As days turned into weeks, then months, Gu found himself bending and twisting his body in ways that seemed like they should be impossible.

"Master," he asked one day, as they were practicing a particularly difficult pose. "Do you think I'm good to stand against Kui?"

Master Shi looked at Gu with a warm smile. "You are doing wonderfully, Gu. You have learned to bend your body further than I expected, and that's the first step."

"But is it not enough?" Gu asked nervously.

"Enough to defeat Kui? No," Master Shi admitted, his expression serious for once. "To exorcise a spirit as powerful as Kui, you need not just flexibility, but courage. And I have faith in your determination."

Gu nodded resolutely. "I promise, Master Shi," he declared. "I'll learn everything necessary, whatever it takes. I'll even jump out of my skin to protect my village!"

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The time came when Gu was deemed ready for his first exorcism. He stepped forward, bracing himself for the responsibility and fear of what he might encounter.

As they proceeded with their ritual, the evil spirit Kui began to manifest itself, lured by Gu's hypnotic movements. At the end of his dance, Gu was convulsing, contorting against his will into impossible positions. Master Shi did his best to guide him safely back to the monastry.

Gu's body continued to contort wildly in the battle of wills, both Gu and Kui pushed to their limits. The monastery's monks stood by nervously, unsure if even their best efforts would be enough to save their young apprentice.

But in one last, desperate attempt, Master Shi called for ropes and weights, tying them around Gu's body before applying immense pressure on his spine and limbs. To everyone's surprise, even including Master Shi himself, Yanfeng Gu was able to endure a position no monk had ever seen before, causing the grand evil spirit to shatter and leave the mortal world forever.

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The moment Kui left Gu's body for good, he collapsed in exhaustion but also with an immense sense of relief and a smile in the corner of his lips.

As Gu healed, Master Shi revealed to him a secret that only few monks were privy to – the secret of the bodysuit. A suit that would allow Gu to bend himself into even more extreme poses, unlocking the true power of his body.

Gu's eyes widened in awe as he put on the bodysuit for the first time. It felt like he donned a second skin, making his body more malleable and responsive than ever before.

With newfound determination, Gu started practicing his contortions with renewed vigor. His poses grew more intricate and impossible as time went by. He could not only bend backwards in ways unimagined but let his elastic body deform in ways that seemed completely beyond human comprehension.

Master Shi knew that Gu had the potential to become his successor, surpassing even him in his dedication to contortionism. He was young and his journey was just beginning, but the future of the world looked brighter with a master like Yanfeng Gu, the flexorcist monk with the ability to bend the very fabric of reality.

What do you think? 😄
The picture is absolutely enchanting in its own right, but I'm especially in love with the story you wrote this time! So much so that at first I didn't even pay much attention to the artwork itself xD Now that I'm looking at it longer, I love the shape of his torso and the legs. The face is lovely too. Beautiful! And all that without even adding any nsfw elements. It's fantastic :D I wish I had a suit like that!
Thank you so much!! I'm so happy you enjoyed this story, I really wanted to write more about Yanfeng Gu's childhood one day and explore the idea of the monks who have contortion superpowers. So glad you liked the pose and the outfit :D
I would love to see art of all these other students that appear in the story!! Incredible!!
Yes, I made a picture of one more student and maybe someday I'll get back to it to show the rest of them :D Thanks!
Thank you for your work for the Chinese New Year. This kind of upper waist and back fold is very good. Many people like it. I hope to see more such works.
I'm glad you like my work!
I will continue to experiment with different poses and styles in all kinds of weird ways!
Omg the suppleness of this bend is INCREDIBLE. The folds, the pressure, the masterfully tightened waist and ridiculously bent spine make this one of the coolest poses I've seen in a while. Must be cool to imagine how Gu must have felt achieving this position! The pain, the muscle strain, the pleasure, everything condensed into a beautiful fold. Maybe past legends described how these pioneers of human folding achieved such poses while in a state of trance or heavy, deep meditation! I love it! Great work as always!!!
Card R.