Prince of Curves
They say that Arcus was an illegitimate son of some deity, how else could one explain the incredible abilities that the prince's young body possessed? Who was his true father, Arcus did not know. Perhaps the Crescent itself pierced the womb of the Mother-Queen with sweet pain, and with a full moon it rounded up her belly.
From birth the little demon was very beautiful, flexible and slender, and after the first year of his life, fantastic things became clear about the nature of his body. The prince was born in winter and had light skin, but month after month his skin kept on darkening and finally became equal in color to his Mother's.
No healer could explain this, as well as the fact that in the autumn his skin began to lighten again, and in the winter, Arcus's body not only became as bright as the moon, but another feature unseen before had revealed itself.
Since then, every winter, young Arcus's waist appeared as if bound by the frost, it shrank by itself and soon the girth was no more than that of his neck. Although it looked strange, it wasn't hideous and attracted the eye with some sort of otherworldly beauty.
Mother marveled at this miracle and tried in every way to emphasize and beautify his waist – with necklaces, bracelets, beads. But most of all the boy liked belts, designed specially for him, they could be fastened even more tightly, and this gave him indescribable pleasure, his tummy growled and filled with ticklishly pleasant sensations while his lower belly rounded up like a full moon.
It turned out it was possible to play with the waist as he pleased and tighten it to the most unbelievable sizes and shapes. And when they taught him belly dancing, his joy exceeded all boundaries. Since then, every year he could not wait for the winter to come, so he could dance with the tightest belts he could find, and every dance of the young prince was a celebration for a large audience.
Unfortunately for Arcus, the belly retained its softness only until late spring, then keeping on wearing the tight belt demanded some tremendous efforts. But by the summer another miracle made itself seen.
As it darkened, his body acquired extraordinary flexibility, his spine and joints became incredibly elastic. The back itself tickled and called to be arched, and legs spread apart like equally charged magnets, forcing him to sweetly stretch into a split on the bed or hang down between a pair of chairs.
The boy turned supple like caramel and could curl up into any unthinkable knots, bend the body at any angle and stretch his legs like rubber. The best teachers of acrobatics, none of whom had ever seen such flexibility before, kept coming up with wonderful and interesting poses for his majestry to try out, and he did them all without flinching. The most difficult of them took the form of a dance, which Arcus diligently learned, surprising his mentors more and more with his incomparable beauty and passion.
The dance was performed to a deep, slow flute, its sound seemed to merge together with his body, twisting and bending him in the most exquisite ways, lifting him off the floor in amazing leaps, directing his arms and legs into shapes filled with balance and harmony.
Arcus possessed great musculature for such a soft body, and could do almost all the wondrous movements without the help of assistants, but at the end of the dance, in order to rest and relax his body, he would call a couple of beefy guys and their skillful hands would do the rest, revealing such sights that even the dwellers of the seventh circle of hell could not even imagine in their wildest dreams. Even if they probably never slept anyway. Unless there was someone to sleep with, of course.
And one of them, Asmodeus, had long dreamed of sharing a bed with the prodigeous young prince...
So amazing
Thank you!