🐟 Jack-O Pose Fynn
Almost missed this meme, thanks to TK for telling me about it!!
Fynn Carter, the same character who appeared in this picture from 2 years ago, so I thought why not make him run the Jack-O test...
I also started working on this boySpecially that he's used to running all kinds of tests and experiments for the Aquatic Division of Robotized Biological Sciences (ADoRBS), which as we know makes heavy use of contortion in mecha designs and submersibles, so all pilots are ultra compact! Fynn even sleeps in a flexopod to improve his flexibility but more about it in that story on the right!
Fynn belongs to Kito ©
Also thanks to Saraka for these beautiful artworks that inspired me while working on this one:
I've been thinking about how to turn the Jack-O pose into something a bit more extreme or contortion-y but you definitely beat me to it! A very cool pose, I'm loving it! Seeing that you now have 3D assets for Fynn makes me so excited, I can't wait to see more of him. Great job!!
The pic is lovely, I've been thinking about ways to make that meme pose a bit more contortion-y but you beat me to it! A very cool variation of the pose, and honestly much cooler than the original xDxD Stunning work, I'm super happy to see it!
I hope we get to see him sleeping in his flexopod soon.
Others may take such picture for granted but I watch it with satisfaction and joy.
Spoiling its pure feeling is last I want, but idea just popped up, what about making some parts of suit or very skinn transparent O_O I mean just a little not fully but enough to see hints of whats underneath. It is not a wish or suggestion just an idea.