❌ FleX-Men
Episode 7: Folderine
In their war against the Bendigo Kids and their superhuman talents, the secret organization known as The Fold tried to break all laws, limits and norms, dedicated to studying the human flexibility from inside out and turning their discoveries into tools of power and control.
Only a few members of The Fold have managed to escape from these government-sponsored experiments, where their bodies were twisted into impossible positions for the sake of scientific progress. They seek to join Dr. Why's team as their last hope to help stopping The Fold. Most of them become assistants and trainers, too traumatized to continue practicing contortion after the horrors they had experienced.
But there a few who are discovered to have Bendigo genes, and they become core members of the team.
...Snakelops, Folderine, Frog, Worm, Twist, Gumbit, Chewbilly, Gym Fay, and Compressor X...
Folderine is one of those lucky few, who managed to escape after many years of experiments. This Russian boy was subjected to extreme contortion training from a very young age, with the goal to turn him into an example of the ultimate flexibility that does not require Bendigo genes.
Real name: Timofey Yurievich Foldin
Country of origin: Russia
Element: Snow
Specialty: Power Folding
Other hobbies: Ice Skating
Favorite food: Borscht
Ironically, Dr. Why was able to identify the Bendigo genes in Folderine's DNA after the team had helped the boy escape during one of The Fold's expos, where the boy was just about to lift a whole truck upon his folded chest using his superhuman strength, when the lights suddenly went off and the next thing he remembered was sitting in the truck itself, driving away from The Fold's training facility.
The truck was driven by none other than Gym Fay herself, who paralyzed the boy with her super secret technique, showing him one of her secret bends that left him speechless and unable to move for hours. But in a couple of hours, he couldn't thank her enough for what she had accomplished on her special mission to save him.
As a result of The Fold's crazy experiments, Folderine had developed the ability to fold his back in half like an accordion at any level, from neck to tailbone, any didn't snap only thanks to his Bendigo genes, and all that using his muscles alone.
His parents are the members of The Fold, which makes other members of ConTrA worried about his loyalty, but Folderine has a hard time coming to terms with his past and he is determined to use his skills to fight against the organization that had exploited him for many years, making him play a goofy "accordion boy" in kiddie shows... He is resolute, even if it means confronting his own parents.
Although other members tried to distance from him at first, they have gradually come to trust Folderine and cope with his cold and arrogant personality, understanding that he is still a victim of The Fold. Each member took it as a personal mission to befriend Folderine and help him enjoy his new life as a true Bendigo Kid.
Sasha M
Maybe even build special muscle groups using nanobots, so those muscles can be used for actually pulling yourself into amazing twists and folds... or it could be special muscles the Bendigo kids naturally have in their bodies.
If this guy can curl himself so tightly by flexing his muscles, it's fascinating to imagine all the advanced poses he might discover in the future. It's like getting stretched by a partner but instead using one's own muscle strength to hold yourself. There are definitely loads of exciting ideas to explore here!
But no matter what, I'm sure he's known most not even for the ability to fold so tight without external help but mainly for his bearhugs of love and always being happy to help everyone else to get better bends 💪🐻💪 Maybe he needs a super power to turn into a teddy bear XD
You truly are the master of my dreams, thank you so much...
Oh, and I was just replying to a comment on Snakelops and there was an interesting idea that they could have superpowers they can use for short periods of time, so I think while Snakelops could have the Snakeskin power turning him into a literal snake-boy with snake scales and triple-jointed body, Folderine could have the Winter Blanket superpower - you can stretch him over the bed or fold him neatly into a closet, but at the same time his body remains warm and human-like to touch.