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🏮 The Flexorcist Monastery

Omg the suppleness of this bend is INCREDIBLE. The folds, the pressure, the masterfully tightened waist and ridiculously bent spine make this one of the coolest poses I've seen in a while. Must be cool to imagine how Gu must have felt achieving this position! The pain, the muscle strain, the pleasure, everything condensed into a beautiful fold. Maybe past legends described how these pioneers of human folding achieved such poses while in a state of trance or heavy, deep meditation! I love it! Great work as always!!!
Card R.


Oh my! She's so amazing!
Love the drawing, love the lighting on the suit, love her superpower/super effect, and LOVE HER TO DEATH. Please expand on her story or on her limits! How small can she get? What's the tightest gap she can squeeze herself through?
I do wonder how would it feel like to be squished, twisted, pulled, compressed and deformed like bubblegum?
Maybe one day we'll really be able to reach such levels! I only hope to so! It will make everything so fun!
As always magnifico!
Card R.
Thanks for your kind words! I'm delighted that you enjoyed it! Miki is very flexible and I wouldn't be surprised if she gets to 1 inch or even 1 cm thick under Dr. Why's supervision! I guess she's like a rubber band, both in stretchiness and thinness.

I don't know much about the cartoon stretchy art, just seen a few works here and there, but I'm sure she could borrow some inspiration from there. I don't want to limit her abilities because... why limit things? The only limitation is my own ability to depict it properly, and that's something I can improve on overtime.

As for how the compression must feel - I have no idea, I used to attempt backbends and splits when I was young, so I can barely imagine how it must feel to be flattened like a pancake. Perhaps her rigid bones gradually become cartilage through special exercises, like a warm-up but for bone softness. At some point, the elasticity peaks and her body becomes completely malleable, her chest becomes almost like an orthopedic pillow, so she can start working on her record in compression. Then it takes some time to cool down again and return to her normal state.

It's fun to think about it in a non-cartoony, more realistic way, yet spiced up with all sorts of sci-fi nonsense. Thank you for bringing up this topic, it gave some ideas that hopefully will find their way into future stories!